Friday, February 19, 2010

passion or no passion

k so its like 'time to join post grad' period for me:-( ...dont ask tests and results and your friends results...medicine is such a rat race throughout!!!! nyway so though i have realised the funnny thing about the pg rat race in india is ... you have to work your ass off for like a year or two to have a chance at makin it at any of those tests, but the funny thing is ..most of them get so worked up and frustrated during this period of workin their ass off that they reallly dont care about wat post grad they join,or what doctor they become, as long as its a relaxed no stress 9-5 kinda right?i mean i thought you need to be passionate about what u be a good doctor be a good anything!!! all these ppl who i figured are another level of hardworkin and focussed ..seem to be sayin they dont care what they get,what subject they get into,what they do for the rest of their lives.... how and why then did u work your butt off????i didn't work my ass off for the damn pre pg tests, i m not cut out for that cram till you die and no one cares about how much u actually understand routine!! but i want to get into md medicine and dm thereafter and whetever other challenges it throws at me.... but what a messed up system right..u equip everyone who has the focus to do it, just the opposite of being assets to your country and its ppl.most of them wanna pick peripheral dead branches and the others just wanna go off to the us or sumthin coz its easier and the money is sad.i dont know its been reallly bothering me the last few days.
you know the other day i was talkin to a friend and we agreed that if u r not passionate about one aspect of your life do u think u can be passionate at all about nything.. i mean all those ppl who are just so 'blah' i wonder if they are actually passionate about nythin in,interests,work,fun.,..nythin.oh how boring if they are not!! nyway just so we are clear, i am very passionate about my work among other things..hahahaha...:-P
oh yeah and if i have another person come up to me and give me a time table for my future i think i m gonna explode...they are all like 'WHAT are u crazy?how can u do md medicine, you have to be thinkin bout marriage and kids can you think of time away from family and doing dm and all!!no no no,start being practical.pick up something easier dear girl, like treatin acne or sumthin!!!!' thats it!!!!oh my god leave me alone!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

morning wish to old lady

so today started off pretty good... my favourite radio jockey from my fav early morning radio show...called me back for one of the show's segments where i get to wish nyone nything...and hence i was on air wishing my coworker and myself a happy tueday:-D early in the morning!nd happy it seemed to start off with!yay!i m such a huge fan of sarthak's show,i never wanna see him though,coz in my head he is just as awesome in person as he sounds,which is pretty darn awesome!!but they dont make no awesome boys nymore!yes yes i know i liking a radio show is aparently lame and nerdy i m told...BUT DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE!!!
nyway so that was that...followed by gettin my delivery of possibly one of the prettiest sarees in the country...hahaha..i like to keep myself happy!its my first silk saree..i feel all grown up!nywayz i cud go on and on bout this one...but lemmme not...
so here i was thinkin ,'hmm today seems like a stand up day! wrong i was

nyway so i am on duty in the emergency department these days.. two days ago ..this old lady was brought in...reallly old...i was the one who saw her first.she didn't look very indian to me.she spoke very well,had very pale skin,couldn't speak much hindi...was accompanied by some ppl who seemed to be her care takers.she had some abdomen complaints.though as old ladies go,this one was not very different,coz elliciting one complaint was coated with a whole lotta..i have pain here and there and nobody takes care of me..and nobody is with me..and these ppl who work for me just dont care.after 15-20 minutes of talkin to her,i finally realised wat the problem was and also explained to the doctor under whose care she was finally to be put,coz she didn't seem very comfrtable nd i didn't wanna have her bother, start the story all over again!nyway, she only featured once again in my thoughts later that day when i was wondering if she was anglo indian nd whatever happened to her immediate family.
so the point of that lill introduction to the old lady was coz ..thats how my day at work ended today.Just when i was about to leave..the caretaker who was with the lady the other day,came running to me to tell me that the lady is back and that i shud take a look coz i saw her last time.She came on a stretcher,she was havin uncontrolable seizures,she seemed pretty badly kept and very very sick:-(..nyway we immediately stabilised her.and then while askin the caretaker what happened,i discovered that she is actually the resident of an old age home.her son/kids live either in the US or Canada.they didnt even leave back any of her medical records,so we dont know if she has any other past illnesses.they left her enuff medicine for three months which she is currently on.ENOUGH SAID!i thought all of us think that ,thats a horrible thing to do to ur parents,but ofcourse i was wrong.its not like i dont see enough misery everyday..i dont know what it was about this lady.its not the possible foreign descent,or her well mannered ,well spoken ways..i dont know what it was about this lady,she looked like she was part of something important in her day!she looked like she wore pretty gowns and she went to nice social gatherings.she looked like she saw things and places i haven't seen yet,nd never know if i'll have the pleasure of seeing.i dont know what it was about this lady,but today she didn't seem like she belonged in the casuality of the city government hospital,with soiled clothes and nobody around to call her own!
she was still unconscious when i left the hospital..i dont even know what i wish for her anymore!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


there's nothing of any importance in life except how well u do your work.Nothing.The code of Competence is the only system of morality thats on a gold standard.

whatever we are its we who move the world,and its we who will pull it through

It is not advisable to venture unsolicited opinions.You should spare yourself the embarassing discovery of their exact value to your listener

indiscriminate desire and unselective inulgence were possible only to those who regarded sex and themselves as evil

The capacity for unclouded enjoyment, does not belong to irresponsible fools

With his profound respect for money and for its meaning, he despised the squanderer who did not know how to deserve the great gift of inherited wealth

What is morality?
Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price.But where does one find it?

'he wants to be independent of you!'
'By means of getting from me a salary he cant earn for work he cant do'

We have enough power to carry them along-haven't we?

wasn;t it evil to wish without moving-or to move without aim?

Give me an unobstructed right of way, and i'll show them how to move the earth!

Whatever i am she thought, whatever pride of person I may hold, the pride of my courage, of my work, of my mind, and my freedom-that is what i offer you for the pleasure of your body, that is what i want you to use in your service-and that you want it to serve you is the greatest reward i can have

She could not function to the rule of: Pipe down-keep down-slow down-dont do your best, it is ot wanted!

'Miss Tagart, I can proudly say that in all my life I have never made a profit!'
'..of all the statements a man can make, that is the one I consider most despicable'

"Are you sayin"he asked slowly, "that i rose in your estimation when you found that I wanted you?"
"Of course"
"Most people feel that they rise in their own eyes, if others want them"
"I feel that others live up to me, if they want me"

The worst guilt is to accept an undeserved guilt-and that is what you have been doing all your life

'if you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood blood runing down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders-what would you tell him to do?'
'To shrug.'

The man who despises himself tries to gain self esteem from sexual adventures-which can't be done, because sex is not the cause, but an effect and an expression of a man's sense of his own value
The man who is proudly certain of his own value, will want the highest type of woman he can find, the woman he admires, the strongest, the hardest to conquer-because only the possession of a heroine will give him the sense of an achievement, not the possession of a brainless slut.

Only the man who extols the purity of a love devoid of desire, is capable of the depravity of a desire devoid of love.

'I believed that love is some static gift which, once granted, need no longer be deserved..'

When one acts on pity against injustice, it is the good whom one punishes for the sake of the evil; when one saves the guilty from suffering, it is the innocent whom one forces to suffer'

it's a sin to sit down and let your life go, without making a try for it

'To me-the foulest man on earth, more contemptible than a criminal, is the employer who rejects men for being too good.'

That special pleasure she had felt in watching him eat the food she had prepared..the pleasure of knowing form of his body's satisfaction had come from her.. There is reason she thought, why a woman would cook for a man.. oh,not as a duty, not as a chronic career... the castrated performance of a sickening drudgery was held to be a woman's proper virtue.. the work of dealing with grease, steam and slimy peelings..was held to be a spiritual matter, an act of compliance with her moral duty-while the meeting of two bodies in a bedroom was held to be a physical indulgence, an act of surrender to an animal instinct, with no glory, meaning or pride of spirit to be claimed by the animals involved

'i mean your understanding..not the fact that you admire my work, but that you admire it for the things I wished to be admired.'

if men understand that reality is an absolute not to be faked, that lies do not work, that the unearned cannot be had, that the undeserved cannot be given, that the destruction of a value which is, will not bring value to that which isn't

No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy.

People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim.What I've learned is that a lie is an act of self abdiction, because one surrenders one's reality to the person to whom one is lies, making that person one's master... The man who lies to the world, is the world's slave from then on.

To place nothin- Nothing;above the verdict of my own mind.
The knowledge that my life is the highest of values, too high to give up without a fight.

You have sacrificed independence to unity.You have sacrificed reason to faith.You have sacrificed self esteem to self denial.You have sacrificed happiness to duty.

Reason does not work automatically; thinking is not a mechanical process, the connections of logic are not made by instinct.

By the grace of reality and the nature of life, man- every man- is an end in himself, he exists for his own sake, and the achievement of his own happines is his highest moral purpose.

Self esteem, as his inviolate certainty that his mind is competent to think and his person is worthy of happiness

that all work is creative work if done by a thinking mind, and no work is creative if done by a blank who repeats is uncritical stupor a routine he has learned from others

Love is the expression of one's values, the greatest reward you can earn for the moral qualities you have achieved in your character and person, the emotional price paid by one man for the joy he recieves from the virtues of another.

Power-lust is a weed tht grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind.

The desire not to be anythin, is the desire not to be.

i finally finished my all time favourite book.i just had to share my thoughts in the form of excerpts from the book

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the Pink Chaddi Campaign

i read about it in the paper today...its this thing started by 'The consortium of pub going, loose and forward women' ..they are urging women to send pink chaddis(aka underwear) to pramod muthalik,the chief of that bunch of jobless,brainless,chauvinistic and morally retarded organisation THE SRI RAM SENE which beat up young women just coz they were sitting at a pub.brilliant isn't it?!The images i saw on tv continue to haunt me..i think of those men kicking,shoving...pulling them by their hair everytime i walk the street,i am WOmanning a hospital ward on my own or sitting with male colleagues.infact i was discussing the same incident with the latter a few days ago...and well like all 'i m not convservative i m realistic' men ,they had their point of view.. so basicallly in the present semi modern semi conservative male india of today-'what happened was wrong but women need to be careful,after they know how indian society is!!i want to agree with that,and i nod along..but tell me what are the lines???so women should not go to a pub unless accompanied by a male escort,or better still not go at all!!!oh wait also dont travel in a bus with a male colleague from another religion!!actually you will get grabbed either way in a bus,so dont use public transport!!!!oh yeah and what is the need to wear those short skirts!?!?!WHERE ARE THE F***ing LINES?????
i dont blame our parents,or the older generation,i have just come to accept we belong to different planets...but it doesn't fail to frustrate me,how all the sympathy for 'poor girl victim' is always mixed with atleast one odd commment about 'wat was the need to be doing so and so at so and so place at so and so time.
i cant lie,i love all the girl attention too...nd i m no 'bra burning' i dont know which side i belong.i am a product of our society and culture ,then whats with the contradictions???!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

yay i m done!!!!!nd i m a doctor now!!!!!..and i m back home... its alright.... i m just not used to it.. cant wait to start work....
wow i cut myself off for like 2months and seems lke the world has changed... i dont even know where to start ..the mumbai attack happened...barack obama got elected...the economic depression....and now the war rhetoric... i feel like the world was a better place three months ago :-( i have a friend whose mother was at the taj the night of the terrorist attack... and this was right in the middle of our exams.... she was one of the lucky few.but to really experience wat a family member goes through affected me firend stayed up all night watchin the news,switching from one channel to another for any bit of useful information.i was sittin with her,and all they kept showing for hours were cameras following blood drops at leopold cafe,or on the streets,bodies being carried out of the hotel.i dont blame them i guess,thats news too but it is soo painful and scary to watch for a family member who is prayin for their loved ones safety.i m so glad her mother came out safe the next morning.

i feel like we as the upper middle class society live in a bubble... we all watch the news,it disturbs us.we pray the world wasn't so dangerous,but thats bout it.i dont think any of us ever think that these things will happen to us.we think it only happens to other ppl.a bomb blast in a crowded market that killed a 100vendors or a terrorist attack on parliament.but to think me or my family could be havin dinner at a restaurant and somebody walks in with an ak47 and kills us,is so scary.i know no religion or faith could support such a barabaric attack on ny human being.what makes these ppl do these things??what kind of brain wash convinces a human being to mass murder unsuspecting beings irrespective of their religion or caste or nationality.DO WE ALL HAVE IT IN US???do u think u and me could also be so disturbed by some experiences??!!! do u think our lives and those of the ppl we affect can ever cease to be important to us???!!! WAT MAKES THESE PPL DO THESE THINGS???it was apparently an honour to get selected to carry out this barbaric attack in mumbai,as told by the surviving terrorist to the police..HOW???!!why???WHY IS IT AN HONOUR TO KILL OTHERS???they did it to scare us.the cowards put bombs on bicycles in dustbins ,in children's parks..we didn't budge.they failed to scare they decided to come to our homes,our day to day life.... come face to face and kill us ...but guess what they are still cowards... u brain wash young teenagers..tempt them,lie to them,make false promises and put evil thoughts in their minds.. THAT STILL MAKES U A BLOODY COWARD!!!!!u did not scare me or my country.our life will move on despite the scars.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

things i shud do

STRESS STRESS STRESS.... exams suck... i dont know about anyone else but in medical college they really wanna test the limit of the human mind... it is obviously not possible for people to know all that stuff in these huge textbooks and be able to impress an examiner in a half hour viva:-( ..nywayz THIS TOO SHALL PASS .
i have had a lot of free time on my hands lately to think and i cant wait for my exams to get over,so i decided to compile a list of all the fun things i wanna do.. i feel like the stress this year has made me socially challenged in many ways..i missed out on so many things-great books, good movies...plays..etc.i started first with writing down the 'books i should have read by now' list and i cant wait to read them. so here's my list so far-(tell me if i missed out on any other great read)
1.the harry potter series - yea shame on me right!! i have only read 4..
4.atlas shrugged-i read 3/4th and then reread that part coz i loved it,but never finished it
5.the great indian novel
6.god delusions
7.god of small things
8.homer's odyssey
9.the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy-i have the jumbo novel,its my favourite time pass book.besides it'll be a breather in between the serious ones .
k so thats that.... yes i think it'll take me a while to finish all these ..but yay cant wait .
my list like all good resolution lists,has lots of other things joining a fun exercise class.i hear they have kick boxing classes in delhi.sounds like fun:-) .
i m moving back home after exams....i mean family and home food sounds nice but i m am kinda scared.i have lived away from home for a while now and its different when u live on your own with friends.the generation gap only seems to get bigger as u get older.i m just praying for 'no wars and world peace' .
k till next time

Thursday, September 25, 2008


ok... so today was really amusing.. lemme give u a lill background... i m a final year medical student now,and u could say the lowest in the social hierarchy of a medical college,though i insist i felt like that every year:-/... but this year has to be the worst, especially since my exams are in december... literally, like everybody in the various departments(we are takin exams in) is more imp than us,and i mean even the cleaning staff.. god knows who might get pissed and say sumthin mean about u in front of the examiner can make alll the difference,that and some knowledge ofcourse;-)...I know sounds crazy but dude who wants to take the risk!?..Nywayz so as i was saying, we are prettty much nobodys and treated as such, pretty much all of the time:-/..
I m posted in the department of paediatrics these days.being posted means we go to the paediatric wards during the day,observe and examine various paediatric patients and their respective doctors discuss the treatment and all with us.nywayz so in our hospital we have only one paediatric ward..which also doubles up as the POST-NATAL ward...for obvious reasons,still for the unaware- post natal aka 'after birth'..and since usually kids are only born;-) they automatically become paediatric candidates..its all a big medical conspiracy
nywayz so our ward has only one class room... today 25 of us were sitting in the class room,all busy readin for an upcoming test..when suddenly an OBSTETRICS proff comes and starts yelling at us...yes in a medical college even 21yr olds get yelled at!!!he yelled at us,for aparently, we were cluttering his classroom and before we knew it,we were sent out!He wanted to take class for 4 second year students!!!!!!!!we all got really mad,and figured we must complain,we figured no PAEDIATRICIAN would take his students getting yelled at by an OGICIAN...obviously in vain,coz our prof didn't seem to care.And even after the class room got empty our teacher insisted we not occupy it,incase they wanna come back with more students!!!!!wtf?!?!so while four second years,two of them asleep and two of them dreaming,sat in a comfortable classroom,obviously not listening..25 final year students were standing nearby around an empty bed frantically taking notes,pushing each other,hoping to catch every word..
I have resigned to my fate:-)...i have heard once you become an intern they upgrade you to ward boy/girl status:-) cant wait :-S
till next time